• Woodvale Baptist Church (map)
  • 67 Woodvale Drive
  • Woodvale, WA, 6026
  • Australia

Youth ministries across Perth are gathering at Woodvale Baptist Church to enjoy a festival, worship God and open His Word together! Speaker and Dan Paterson will speak about the way we search for love in so many places, when it’s in God’s love that we are truly embraced.

WHAT: Part 1 - Festival: Youth can enjoy sports, video games, music and food.
Part 2: Worship service: A time of worship lead by the Combined Worship Band and a biblical message by Dan Paterson.
Part 3: Festival: After the service (approx. 8.15pm) youth groups are encouraged to stay, enjoy activities, eat together and get to know one another until the event ends at 9pm.

SPEAKER: Dan Paterson is a speaker for RZIM based in Australia. An ordained pastor, Dan speaks regularly to audiences on how the gospel connects to life’s biggest questions and on the popular objections to the Christian faith.
You can see his website here: https://www.rzim.org/speakers/dan-paterson

THEME: Looking For Love
Love and the search for intimacy will always exists in human hearts. Dan will show how our deepest need for love is met only in God’s love for us in Jesus Christ.
Jeremiah 31:3: ‘The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.’ Dan will show how God’s love meets our need for true intimacy and offer an invitation to begin following Jesus.

COST: Free. Please register who is coming for catering purposes.

MORE INFO: Phone Baptist Churches WA on 6313 6300
or visit www.nextgenbaptistwa.com.au '